Used to reply to the last message sent.
type: "reply"
enabled: true
name: "globalreply"
aliases: [ "gr" ]
not_found: "{error_colour}You have no conversation to reply to."
ignoring: "{error_colour}This player is ignoring you."
toggled: "{error_colour}You have your messages toggled."
recipient_toggled: "{error_colour}This player has there messages toggled."
# Placeholders will parse in terms of the other player.
to: "&f✉ &7&ome -> &f&o<player> &7&o: &f&o%message%"
to_sound: "none"
from: "&f✉ &f&o<player> -> &7&ome &7&o: &f&o%message%"
from_sound: "none"
# Spy is where other players can see messages.
spy_format: "&8&o%from% -> %to% : %message%"
spy_sound: "none"
/[name] [message]