Custom Placeholders

Placeholders you can create your self

Symbol {}

Simple Placeholders

# {message} will return &8&l[&f&lServer&8&l]&a
message: "&8&l[&f&lServer&8&l]&a"
error_colour: "&7"

Conditional Placeholders

Create your own custom placeholders that can change depending on a condition.

Format : [Condition]:[Value]



condition: "MATCH:<server>"
    Default: "&f&l<server>"
    TestingServer: '&e&lTest Server'

A match condition can be used to match options to a value. The first option to match the value in the list will be returned. If no options match the Default the value will be returned.



condition: "PERMISSION:leaf.rank.?"
    Default: "&f"
    admin: "&a"

A permission condition can be used to match permissions when in the context of a user.

The option key will be replaced by the ? and checked against the player. If the player does not have any of the permissions, it will return the Default value.

If the player has the permission leaf.rank.admin it will return &a

Last updated